I have some new tutorials on the way and hope to get them posted soon. Was thinking about doing them in a slide for the blog and having the .pdf files in the share box? Guess I'd have to see how that would look and how I'd like it. What's your thoughts on that?
Was also going through some of my pics and saw my stove board display from last year. It wasn't really a Fall display but some of my favorite things from my friends. Anyway, that got me to thinking how I should do it this year. Have several ideas but will have to see what looks best, and I'll post a pic once I decide. Here's the pic of my stove board with my favorite things....
And here's my Fall display for last year....
I still like the first pic of my favorite things better, lol! Guess it's cuz we cherish the things our friends give us and they always seem to look better. And every time we see them we think of our friends, thus a smile is on our face! Speaking of friends, I have a pic of goodies I recently received in a RAK from a very sweet girl you all know. But I'll save that pic for a later post.
To all of you in the storm's path I do hope you stay safe!
Till next time, have fun crafting!
Hugs Libs
Monday Miscellaneous ~Making March Memories
Seems like we were just talking about welcoming in
March like a Lamb. And now, in a week, we’ll be ushering it out,
hopefully like another Lamb.
I’ve pack...
2 days ago