Hi all, it's been a while since my last post but wanted to hop on here and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Also wanted to share with you a wonderful forum for crafters! It's "The Crafter's Nestled Nook" and is for ALL CRAFTING STYLES! Doesn't matter if you're into Country, Prim/Colonial, Folk Art, Vintage, Rustic, Shabby, or any other crafting style, there's something for everyone. It's filled with tutorials, patterns, how-to's, recipes, just too much to mention. Then under each crafting style category, there's special boards for holiday crafts, painting, wood, wax, sewing, dough, and many others. New tut links for the various categories are posted very often. So what ever your crafting pleasure come visit us, we'd love to have you! We also share pics of our projects, help each other with problems/questions/techniques, and have everyday chit-chat for whatever's on our minds. There's too much to mention here so come over and join the fun!
And, The Crafter's Nestled Nook has a new free online magazine filled with lots of goodies. The next issue will be available in March 2013. Maybe you would like to share one of your tutorials, recipes, how-to's, or write an article and get free advertising? We invite you to come on over and join us. See the link to the magazine in top left menu. This links takes you to The Crafter's Nestled Nook blog where you can view and/or download the magazine. While you're visiting the blog grab some freebie graphics too!
Before closing today I'd like to say I hope all of you crafters out there have had a wonderful and prosperous year with your blogs, websites, and craft shows! Wishing an even better one for next year! Till next time, keep warm, stay safe, and be blessed!
Hugs to all, Libby
Monday Miscellaneous ~Making March Memories
Seems like we were just talking about welcoming in
March like a Lamb. And now, in a week, we’ll be ushering it out,
hopefully like another Lamb.
I’ve pack...
2 days ago