I think most of us look forward to a new year cause of change. We make new plans of doing things differently, bettering ourselves, families, work, and what ever else we do. Not only does this pertain to the more important things, but also to the simple things. I've heard so many saying as they put away the Christmas decor, they were looking forward to getting back to the basics, or to simplify things in their home and lives. I'm not one for making New Year resolutions as I can never keep them or set standards for myself that are way too high. But like so many of you I do look forward to changing things up. Nothing major, just simple things around the house, plus getting more organized. I hope everyone has enjoyed the holidays and maybe taking some time off from crafting? Some of you I know craft all year long while others take the month of January off to get refreshed and ready to go again. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing what everyone will be creating during this new year. If you have already made some new goodies please share your link with us so we can take a peek. Till next time, have fun crafting!
Prim hugs to all, Libby