It's that time of year again and the busy seasons are upon us! As of today, only 8 more days till Fall! I know you've all been busy crafting and working your shows, and hope all has went well for you this year. I haven't got to do a lot with watching grand babies and sending them to school, but have made a few favorites. The "Cookies Anyone?" gingy dolls by Maureen Mills of Sweet Meadows Farm, I'm making in sets this year. The boy gingy is by permission by Maureen, thanks Maureen! I've made three sets then getting on with more Fall decor items. This first set is a Fall set of gingies with lil cinnamon dough pumpkins....
This next set is a simple Prim Christmas set with a cute prim Christmas print, and holding lil pine cones....
And this last set is a Classical Christmas set. Lil girl gingy is holding a holiday sprig and the lil boy is pouting - tangled in a mini light set.....
I'll be posting more pics of other creations soon. Hope you've enjoyed looking and are having fun with your crafting and shows! Till next time, Have Fun Crafting!
Warm prim hugs to all, Libby
Monday Miscellaneous ~Making March Memories
Seems like we were just talking about welcoming in
March like a Lamb. And now, in a week, we’ll be ushering it out,
hopefully like another Lamb.
I’ve pack...
2 days ago