Wanted to share with you something I've been wanting to make for a long while and finally did. It's the cutest pattern of the Prairie Bonnet collection by Drakestone Primitives. As you know I just made the Lil' Prim Dress pattern and still working on the embellishments for those. I was looking for the next quick n easy project and thought about those lil bonnets. You get 3 different bonnet styles plus a bonnet head in that pattern. So after making a couple bonnets and the bonnet head I fell in love with how simple and easy they were to make! Next I got the idea to size it up to my lil dresses to see how that would look and they were the perfect size. Not being satisfied with the dress embellishments yet, I changed the cheesecloth hanger to wire, took other embellishments off and added the lil bonnet. Once supplies arrive I'll change the buttons to something more prim n proper, lol. Being excited about how cute the bonnets looked with the lil dresses I made one in each dress print, plus a couple in plain stained muslin. Please note I'm not affiliated with Drakestone Primitives in any way. Just wanted to share with you how cute I thought these were together.
One dress and matching bonnet....
And here are those cute, adorable, quick n easy to make lil bonnets.....
The finished bonnets measure a little over 5-1/2" long by 3-1/2" wide. Again, I think these are completely adorable! I'll show more (better) pics when I have more made. I'm going through my "to-do list" and trying out some of the projects I've been wanting to make. It really feels good to get some things knocked off that list LOL!
I know lots of you girls have been working the crafts shows so hope things are going great for you this year! Try and get some rest in-between those shows so you can be revived for the next one.
Don't know what I'll be into next but will share pics as I go. Till next time, have fun crafting!
Warm prim hugs to all, Libs
Monday Miscellaneous ~Making March Memories
Seems like we were just talking about welcoming in
March like a Lamb. And now, in a week, we’ll be ushering it out,
hopefully like another Lamb.
I’ve pack...
2 days ago