Now that Christmas is over my mind goes straight to Spring! 😊 It's true that Winter has only begun and we still have lots of the snow days to come, but I long for the change of vibrant colors and Springtime fun. (And if you noticed, I've changed my countdown too, giggles.) Those graphics are by Trina Clark of DigiScrap. 😉 She has such wonderful prim graphics! ❤
I want to share with you today a blog I found, Livin Vintage. She has awesome posts of all things vintage and the cutest Ducking and the Dachshund pattern she's sharing! Wouldn't that cute lil Duckling be adorable - all prim style - for this Spring's creations! 😊
And for those of you like me that can't wait to get outside again, she has an adorable Garden Tray posted here: Gardening Tray from the 1950's. Though it may be a wee bit early to think of this, it will give me plenty of time to have mine made. 😉
One more share this morning....and since we still have lots of snow days yet to come, why not make some adorable Bell Jar Ornaments? 😉 How about creating some cute lil snowmen in them or even something for Spring? What a wonderful idea of how she's created these! Use different size plastic bottles for whatever you're creating with them, and no drilling or cutting glass! 😍 I have some miniature birds, eggs, and nest that would be perfect for something Spring and I'll bet you're thinking of your supplies as well! 😉
I hope this has got your creative juices flowing and thinking about what all you can create. And before closing I want to wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year! Here's to hoping 2017 is so much better and kinder to all of us! ❤
Till next time, have fun crafting! 😊
Warm prim hugs, Libz
Monday Miscellaneous ~Making March Memories
Seems like we were just talking about welcoming in
March like a Lamb. And now, in a week, we’ll be ushering it out,
hopefully like another Lamb.
I’ve pack...
2 days ago