Hi everyone, it's that time of year again....time to get out those decorations and deck the halls! Or at least that's what I'll be doing this week. I know lots of you have already decorated so you have that job out of the way, and I say congrats to you! I'm hoping to get out my favorite holiday movies, Christmas cd's, and get busy! I had hubs to make me a fireplace some time back and need to finish painting it. Can't wait to get it in place and decorated! I think a fireplace (even my fake one) brings an extra warmth during the holidays and always loved the real ones as a child. To sit and watch the logs burning and snow blowing outside....awwww, what a fond memory! I hope everyone is geared up this holiday season and having loads of fun decorating and shopping! If you're not really in the Christmas spirit yet then play your favorite music, melt those favorite holiday tarts or candles, get a nice cup of hot chocolate and get creative with those decorations. It's all your choice of what and how you want to display things, so do what makes YOU happy and what YOU think looks good! One thing I've learned decorating over the years is that when I make myself happy then everyone else is too, and they always seem to love what I've done.
Also I know some of you still have crafting shows to attend and just want to add that I hope you have loads of fun and have a great show. Hope the weather holds out for you all too!
Till next time have fun crafting!
Hugs to all, Libby
Monday Miscellaneous ~Making March Memories
Seems like we were just talking about welcoming in
March like a Lamb. And now, in a week, we’ll be ushering it out,
hopefully like another Lamb.
I’ve pack...
2 days ago